Guia Ocupa Política (Occupying Politics Guide) is a practical guide for the construction of electoral campaigns. The project helps common citizens to engage in politics and become potential candidates for elections at various levels. The publication helps them to structure their campaigns on a step-by-step basis that addresses issues such as organization, communication, resources and volunteering. The material also compiles inspiring stories of other citizens in Latin America who have recently created candidacies that opened doors and revealed innovative and creative ways of making politics.
The project was published both online and offline. 5000 copies of the booklet were distributed among the various nuclei of the Occupy Politics movement, who organised workshops on the subject all over Brazil.
Booklet on the articulation of electoral campaigns for the Occupy Politics Movement.
August 2020
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Collaboration: Occupy Politics Movement (content), Piseagrama (editing), Rona Editora (printing)
Photo credits: Bruna Brandão